We would like to congratulate and introduce our newly appointed President of the Rondebosch Bowls Club, I'm sure your experience, input and dedication will do wonders for us and we wish you the best in taking our Bowls to the next level.

My name is Scott Macleod Smith and I have been playing bowls for about 10 years. I joined WPCC bowls and then played for Mowbray and currently RBC. I am the founder of a print and signage company in Cape Town. I live in Park estate.
We are currently reintroducing Friday bowls for the next 3 weeks for all novices to come down and give it a try. We will be holding a small competition to close off the Friday novices bowls on the 26th.
RBC entered 2 teams into Western Province mixed pairs held 2 weeks ago (Des Granger and Robert Granger/ Juanita La Vita and Maurice Rust) they won 1 and 2 games respectively.
The Western Province men’s pairs will be held on the 13th of March and we have 2 teams entered (Ross Hopton, Scott Macleod Smith and Maurice Rust and Greg Blow)