Welcome to the Club
Welcome to the Rondebosch Sports Club, we thank you for joining us & we look forward to meeting you.
Here is the club information and contacts should you require them:
​>> New Member Meet & Greet is at the clubhouse on the first Friday of each month at 6 pm.
​>> The Club Manager is Neil Gillett: +27 82 728 6360 & neil@rondeboschsportsclub.co.za
>> The Club President is Richard Horton.
>> The Club Chairman is Steve Alt.
>> Your account contact is Lilian East: admin@rondeboschsportsclub.co.za
>> Venue hire and Functions >> Please click here for more info

​Neil Gillett
​>> The Cricket Club Chairman is Andrew Heiberg.
>> The 1st & 2nd Team coach is Sean Hendriek.
​>> If you've never played Lawn Bowls or Barefoot Bowls before, or if you have, and enjoyed the experience, come down and have a roll. It's Great fun. Chat to Neil, who will arrange the necessary for you.
​>> Caught & Bowled Bistro Manager is Scott McLeod: +27 72 235 7738 (bookings & enquiries)
​>> Gym Bookings: There are 5 member slots available per hour. (first at 5 am, last at 7 pm) click on the beating heart to book your time slots.

​>> Your membership card entitles you to a variety of membership discounts >> Coming Soon

​>> Our Internal communications will be done via our Whatsapp group & mailing list, which we will add to, but, you're welcome to opt out of at any time.
​>> No access to the swimming pool during cricket matches or practices on the Terry Eksteen Oval.
​>> No pets allowed unless you're a resident of the Rondebosch Oval.